Index of /webfiles/audio/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
[SND]01052020_ABiblicalPerspectiveonMusic.mp32021-09-11 20:32 12632k
[SND]01052020_InfluencingTheInfluential.mp32021-09-11 20:32 13799k
[SND]01052020_MotesandBeams.mp32021-09-11 20:32 9187k
[SND]01122020_2SamuelPart1.mp32021-09-11 20:32 5900k
[SND]01122020_ConvolutedChristianity.mp32021-09-11 20:32 10738k
[SND]01122020_FruitTrees.mp32021-09-11 20:32 7135k
[SND]01192020_2SamuelPart2.mp32021-09-11 20:33 7872k
[SND]01192020_TheRealJesus.mp32021-09-11 20:33 8439k
[SND]01192020_WhatShouldWeDoAboutGlobalWarming.mp32021-09-11 20:33 8842k
[SND]03012020_1Chronicles.mp32021-09-11 20:33 8545k
[SND]03012020_LovingMuch.mp32021-09-11 20:33 9673k
[SND]03082020_HonorfromGod.mp32021-09-11 20:33 7423k
[SND]03082020_WhoIsServingWhom.mp32021-09-11 20:33 7657k
[SND]03112020_WhatAboutAlexander.mp32021-09-11 20:33 31125k
[SND]03152020_ChristianityInACoronavirusCrazedWorld.mp32021-09-11 20:33 12425k
[SND]03152020_OverviewoftheBible2Chronicles.mp32021-09-11 20:33 9212k
[SND]03182020_GodIsBaalingUsOut.mp32021-09-11 20:33 7823k
[SND]03222020_YouAreSmarterThanThePundits.mp32021-09-11 20:33 8668k
[SND]03252020_WhereDoesYourHelpComeFrom.mp32021-09-11 20:33 19346k
[SND]03292020_2Chronicles714TheCoronavirus.mp32021-09-11 20:33 12493k
[SND]04012020_CloseTimeUnderTheCircumstances.mp32021-09-11 20:33 7987k
[SND]04052020_ANationalCallToRepentance.mp32021-09-11 20:33 10406k
[SND]04122020_WillWeRememberHisWords.mp32021-09-11 20:33 7852k
[SND]04152020_ThreeQuestionYouShouldAskYourselfAboutBoldness.mp32021-09-11 20:34 32548k
[SND]04192020_OverviewoftheBibleEsther.mp32021-09-11 20:33 8253k
[SND]04192020_ReassuranceAmidFrustration.mp32021-09-11 20:34 7984k
[SND]04222020_Only.mp32021-09-11 20:34 7120k
[SND]1 Samuel 30 _ Brother Mike Hall.mp32023-05-16 13:49 32805k
[SND]2019-10-06-1800-The-Bible-An-Overview-Introduction-2 Timothy-2-15-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:34 45400k
[SND]2019-10-13-1800-The-Bible-An-Overview-Genesis-Genesis-1-1-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:34 43078k
[SND]2019-10-20-1800-The-Bible-An-Overview-Exodus-Exodus-12-13-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:34 35417k
[SND]2019-11-03-1800-The-Bible-An-Overview-Leviticus-Leviticus-19-2-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:34 40625k
[SND]2019-11-10-1800-The-Bible-An-Overview-Numbers-Numbers-14-33-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:35 35767k
[SND]2019-11-17-1800-The Bible-An-Overview-Deuteronomy-Part-1-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:35 28956k
[SND]2019-11-24-1800-The Bible-An-Overview-Deuteronomy-Part-2-Deuteronomy-10-12-Mi...2021-09-11 20:35 31133k
[SND]2019-12-01-1800-The-Bible-An-Overview-Joshua-Joshua-1-6-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:35 39939k
[SND]2019-12-15-1800-The Bible-An Overview-Judges-Judges-2-1-3-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:35 39436k
[SND]2019-12-22-1800-The-Bible-An-Overview-Ruth-Ruth-1-1-5-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:35 40486k
[SND]2019-12-29-1800-The Bible-An-Overview-1-Samuel-1-Samuel-16-7-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:35 44101k
[SND]2020-01-12-1800-The-Bible-An-Overview-2-Samuel-Part 1-2 Samuel-5-10-12-Mike-W...2021-09-11 20:36 23112k
[SND]2020-01-19-1800-The-Bible-An-Overview-2-Samuel-Part 2-2-Samuel-5-12-Mike-Weis...2021-09-11 20:36 31467k
[SND]2020-01-26-1800-The-Bible-An-Overview-1-Kings-Part-1-1 Kings-11-11-Mike-Weiss...2021-09-11 20:36 30538k
[SND]2020-02-02-1030-The-Day-Jesus-Came-To-Town.mp32021-09-11 20:36 60581k
[SND]2020-02-02-1800-1-Kings-Part-2.mp32021-09-11 20:36 59416k
[SND]2020-02-02-1800-The Bible-An-Overview-1-Kings-Part-2-1-Kings-11-11-Mike-Weiss...2021-09-11 20:36 39830k
[SND]2020-02-05-1900-Watch-Thou-In-All-Things-2-Timothy 4-5-Pastor-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:37 26299k
[SND]2020-02-09-1030-The-Blessing-Of-Not-Being-Offended.mp32021-09-11 20:37 47272k
[SND]2020-02-16-1800-The-Bible-An-Overview-2-Kings-2 Kings-17-20-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:37 33219k
[SND]2020-03-22-1800-The Bible-An-Overview-Ezra-Ezra 6-14-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:37 41092k
[SND]2020-03-22-1800-The-Bible-An-Overview-Ezra-Ezra-6-14-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:37 41080k
[SND]2020-04-22-1900_Only.mp32021-09-11 20:37 7120k
[SND]2020-04-26-1030-Dont-Lose-Focus-Acts-1-4-8_Pastor-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:38 36059k
[SND]2020-04-29-1900-Constraint -2Corinthians-5_Pastor-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:38 25184k
[SND]2020-05-03-1030-Complete-in-Jesus-Colossians-2-8-Pastor-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:38 42931k
[SND]2020-05-03-1800-Rejoice Evermore-1-Thessalonians-5-16-Pastor-Miike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:38 27841k
[SND]2020-05-06-1900-The-Importance-of-Revival-Ezekiel-37-1-11-Pastor-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:38 29461k
[SND]2020-05-10-1800-No-Confidence-in-the-Flesh-Philippians-3-Rick-Flanders.mp32021-09-11 20:38 45692k
[SND]2020-05-11-1030-The-Mother-of-All-Living-Genesis-3-14-24-Rick Flanders.mp32021-09-11 20:39 48870k
[SND]2020-05-12-1845-Be-Strong-In-the-Lord-Part-2-Ephesians-3-14-Rick-Flanders.mp32021-09-11 20:39 59591k
[SND]2020-05-13-1845-Try-the-Spirits-1-John-4-1-4-Rick-Flanders.mp32021-09-11 20:39 59386k
[SND]2020-05-17-1030-God-Loving-Kindness-Psalm-107-21-22-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:39 32946k
[SND]2020-05-17-1030-God-Loving-Kindness-Psalms-107-21-22-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:39 32946k
[SND]2020-05-17-1800-Weak-and-Strong-Christians-Romans-14-1-3-Pastor-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:39 36170k
[SND]2020-05-20-1900-Pandemic-Spirits-1-Timothy 4-1-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:40 35325k
[SND]2020-05-24-1030-Every-Sunday-Is-Memorial-Day-Luke-22-19-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:40 35548k
[SND]2020-05-24-1800-Why-Does-God-Do-Nice-Things-for-Some-People-Isaiah-38-1-8-Mik...2021-09-11 20:40 36684k
[SND]2020-05-27-1900-I Want-To-Be-Like-John-Luke-3-1-6-Phil-Schipper.mp32021-09-11 20:40 39131k
[SND]2020-05-31-1030-How-To-Deal-With-Issues-Mark-5-21-43-David-Pritchett.mp32021-09-11 20:40 42658k
[SND]2020-05-31-1800-The-Ark-Is-Taken-1-Samuel-4-1-11-David-Pritchett.mp32021-09-11 20:40 46136k
[SND]2020-06-03-1900-A-Good-Soldier-2-Timothy-2-3-Phil-Johnson.mp32021-09-11 20:40 22480k
[SND]2020-06-07-1030-The-Parable-of-the-Sower-and-the-Seed-Luke-8-4-15-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:41 41410k
[SND]2020-06-07-1800-The-Bible-An-Overview-Psalms-Psalm-150-6-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:41 41912k
[SND]2020-06-10-1900-Things-We-Need-to-Remember-As-We-Go-Forward-1-Corinthians-12-...2021-09-11 20:41 31859k
[SND]2020-06-14-1030-The-Light-of-Gods-Word-Luke-8-16-18-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:41 28217k
[SND]2020-06-14-1800-Days-of-Faith-Hebrews-11-4-10-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:41 32006k
[SND]2020-06-17-1900-Mount-Carmel-and-National-Revival-1-Kings-18-30-38-Mike-Weiss...2021-09-11 20:41 27980k
[SND]2020-06-21-1030-Dad-Chastisement-Hebrews-12-5-8-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:42 34452k
[SND]2020-06-21-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Proverbs-Proverbs-1-1-4-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:42 39891k
[SND]2020-06-28-1030-Who-Is-Jesus-To-You-Luke-8-19-21-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:42 32214k
[SND]2020-06-28-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Ecclesiastes-Ecclesiastes-12-13-Mike-We...2021-09-11 20:42 39592k
[SND]2020-07-01-1900-A-Simple-Exercise-in-Biblical-Chemistry-Psalm-19-7-8-Jesse-St...2021-09-11 20:42 30395k
[SND]2020-07-05-1030-Learning-from-Someone-ElsesMail-Revelation-3-11-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:42 30694k
[SND]2020-07-05-1300-Teaching-The-Next-Generation-Psalm-78-1-3-Missionary-Peter-Do...2021-09-11 20:42 20525k
[SND]2020-07-08-1900-Doorkeepers-and-Ushers-1-Kings-12-25-33-David-Pritchett.mp32021-09-11 20:42 33719k
[SND]2020-07-12-1030-The-Caring-Christ-Mark-4-35-41-David-Pritchett.mp32021-09-11 20:43 36067k
[SND]2020-07-12-1800-The-Storms-of-Life-Mark-4-35-41-Josh Santfner.mp32021-09-11 20:43 30159k
[SND]2020-07-15-1900-A-Call-To Spiritual-Maturity-1-Corinthians-12-27-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:43 37503k
[SND]2020-07-19-1030-Jeopardy-Luke-8-22-25-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:43 28310k
[SND]2020-07-19-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Song-of-Solomon-Song-of-Solomon-2-16-Mi...2021-09-11 20:43 32938k
[SND]2020-07-22-1900-Covid-19-and-Your-Tongue-James-1-19-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:43 34427k
[SND]2020-07-26-1030-The-Time-Has-Come-1-Peter-4-7-19-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:44 30064k
[SND]2020-07-26-1800-Worth-Fighting-For-1-Kings-21-1-4-Jonathan-Atkins.mp32021-09-11 20:44 30655k
[SND]2020-07-29-1900-Waiting-On-The-Lord-Isaiah-40-28-31-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:44 28647k
[SND]2020-08-02-1030-From-Maniac-to-Missionary-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:44 31963k
[SND]2020-08-02-1300-We-Are-All-Missionaries-2-Timothy-2-4-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:44 31442k
[SND]2020-08-05-1900-Why-Standards-Jeremiah-35-12-17-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:44 41547k
[SND]2020-08-09-1030-Sometimes-God-Keeps-Secrets-Mark-8-22-25-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:44 33153k
[SND]2020-08-09-1800-Faith-and-Diligence-2-Peter-1-1-5-Brother-Jesse-Stratton.mp32021-09-11 20:45 56139k
[SND]2020-08-12-1900-The-1st-Sunday-Night-Service-John-20-19-23-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:45 28353k
[SND]2020-08-16-1030-A-Collision-of-Needs-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:45 32775k
[SND]2020-08-16-1800-Comforted-by-Hope-John-14-1-2-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:45 30639k
[SND]2020-08-23-1030-Looking-At-The-Light-Acts-9-1-16-David-Pritchett.mp32021-09-11 20:45 35037k
[SND]2020-08-23-1800-Any-Faith-Luke-18-1-8-Eric-Cohan.mp32021-09-11 20:46 34877k
[SND]2020-08-27-1900-What-Is-Vengeance-Romans-12-17-21-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:46 32431k
[SND]2020-08-30-1030-The-Big-Picture-Luke-9-1-22-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:46 33259k
[SND]2020-08-30-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Isaiah-Isaiah-1-18-20-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:46 43405k
[SND]2020-09-02-1900-Contentment-Proverbs-16-8-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:46 40844k
[SND]2020-09-09-1900-Precarious-Judah-or-Secure-Egypt-Jeremiah-42-1-6-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:46 36272k
[SND]2020-09-13-1800-The-Need-Of-The-Hour-2-Timothy-2-24-26-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:47 45417k
[SND]2020-09-16-1900-Where-Was-God-Psalm-139-5-6-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:47 40206k
[SND]2020-09-16-1900-Where-Was-God-Psalms-139-5-6-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:47 40206k
[SND]2020-09-20-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Lamentations-Lamentations-1-1-3-Mike-We...2021-09-11 20:47 45408k
[SND]2020-09-23-1900-Preach-The-Word-Romans-1-18-25-Missionary-Jacob-Jones.mp32021-09-11 20:47 28863k
[SND]2020-09-27-1030-Will-The-Valley-Overcome-Us-Luke-9-37-45-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:48 37428k
[SND]2020-09-30-1900-Separated -2-Corinthians-6-14-18-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:48 33861k
[SND]2020-10-04-1030-The-Danger-Of-Being-Right-Luke-9-46-56-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:48 40439k
[SND]2020-10-04-1800-A-Time-For-Fasting-Nehemiah-9-1-4-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:48 29788k
[SND]2020-10-07-1900-Comfort-Isaiah-40-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:48 32188k
[SND]2020-10-11-1030-What-You-Can-Look-Forward-To-With-Discipleship-Luke 9-57-62-M...2021-09-11 20:48 29605k
[SND]2020-10-11-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Ezekiel-Ezekiel-3-16-27-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:48 48063k
[SND]2020-10-14-1900-Dont-Lose-Sight-Of-Him-Luke-2-41-49-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:48 36517k
[SND]2020-10-18-1030-Instructions-For-Laborers-Luke-10-1-16-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:49 49304k
[SND]2020-10-18-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Daniel-Daniel-10-11-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:49 52504k
[SND]2020-10-22-1845-Who-Must-Satisfy-the-Greatest-Need-Luke-24-44-53-Missionary-J...2021-09-11 20:49 56443k
[SND]2020-10-23-1845-Do-You-See-The-Need-Mark-2-1-12-Missionary-Jonathan-Bartels.mp32021-09-11 20:49 62584k
[SND]2020-10-25-1700-What-Happens-When-the-Gospel-Comes-to-a-Region-1-Thessalonian...2021-09-11 20:50 59657k
[SND]2020-11-01-1030-See-For-Yourself -2-Kings-68-23-David-Pritchett.mp32021-09-11 20:50 34714k
[SND]2020-11-01-1800-Be-Mindful-2-Peter-31-6-David-Pritchett.mp32021-09-11 20:50 41147k
[SND]2020-11-04-1900-Christ-The-Rock-1-Peter-27-8-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:50 44834k
[SND]2020-11-08-1030-Get-A-Vision-Of-The-Holy-God-Isaiah 61-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:50 31106k
[SND]2020-11-08-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Hosea-Hosea-6-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:51 39335k
[SND]2020-11-08-1800-Where-The-Real-Battle-Is-Fought-1-Samuel-17-46-47-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:51 32940k
[SND]2020-11-11-1900-Where-The-Real-Battle-Is-Fought-1-Samuel-17-46-47-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:51 32940k
[SND]2020-11-15-1030-Joy-From-Our-Identity-Luke-10-17-20-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:51 43146k
[SND]2020-11-15-1800-Everything-Works-Together-For-Good-Romans-8-28-Missionary-Pet...2021-09-11 20:51 44815k
[SND]2020-11-18-1900-Romans-By-Chapters--1-Romans-16-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:51 36892k
[SND]2020-11-22-1030-Sight-Luke-10-21-24-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:52 39649k
[SND]2020-11-22-1800-How-A-Church-Grows-Ephesians-4-14-16-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:52 46392k
[SND]2020-11-26-0900-2020-The-Year-To-Give-Thanks-Ephesians-4-20-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:52 23813k
[SND]2020-11-29-1030-The-Perfect-Neighbor-Luke-10-25-37-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:52 40577k
[SND]2020-11-29-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Joel-Joel-1-1-12-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:52 42185k
[SND]2020-12-02-1900-The-Christians-Confidence-2-Corinthians-5-Missionary-Jake-All...2021-09-11 20:53 39335k
[SND]2020-12-06-1030-Who-Should-I-Emulate-Luke-10-38-42-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:52 38378k
[SND]2020-12-06-1800-The-Parable-of-Two-Eagles-Ezekiel-17-1-10-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:53 38923k
[SND]2020-12-09-1900-Romans-By Chapters-2-Romans-2-28-29-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:53 29597k
[SND]2020-12-13-1030-Lord-Teach-Us-To-Pray-Luke-11-1-13-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:53 40217k
[SND]2020-12-13-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Amos-Amos-1-1-7-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:53 38215k
[SND]2020-12-16-1900-Romans-by-Chapter-Romans 3-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:54 30115k
[SND]2020-12-20-1030-Lord-Teach-Us-To-Pray-Part-2-Luke-11-1-13-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:54 34744k
[SND]2020-12-20-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Obadiah-Obadiah-1-21-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:54 38970k
[SND]2020-12-27-1030-A-Time-When-Everything-Is-Going-Wrong-Job-23-8-10-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:54 39310k
[SND]2020-12-27-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Jonah-Jonah-1-1-3-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:54 39512k
[SND]2020-12-30-1900-Even-The-Bells-Will-Be-Holy-Zechariah-14-20-21-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:54 43759k
[SND]2021-01-03-1030-The-Danger-Of-Eyes-That-Will-Not-See-Luke-11-14-26-Mike-Weiss...2021-09-11 20:55 37894k
[SND]2021-01-03-1800-Returning-To-Our-First-Love-Revelation-2-1-5-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:55 34263k
[SND]2021-01-06-1900-Fear-Not-Psalm-105-7-15-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:55 27687k
[SND]2021-01-10-1030-Enamored-By-The-Mystical-Luke-11-27-28-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:55 30512k
[SND]2021-01-10-1800-Could-Judgment-Fall-Because-of-My-Tongue-Ephesians-4-29-31-Mi...2021-09-11 20:55 36810k
[SND]2021-01-13-1900-Victory-Over-Fear-Psalm-27 -Missionary-Stephen-Rains.mp32021-09-11 20:55 32205k
[SND]2021-01-17-1030-Is-Your-Eye-Single-Or-Evil-Luke-11-29-36-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:56 37967k
[SND]2021-01-17-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Micah-Micah-6-6-8-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:56 38454k
[SND]2021-01-20-1900-Romans-by-Chapters-4-Romans-4-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:56 33578k
[SND]2021-01-24-1030-Proper-Dinner-Conversation-Luke-11-37-54-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:56 35056k
[SND]2021-01-24-1800-Overview Of The Bible-Nahum-Nahum-2-1-7-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:56 39372k
[SND]2021-01-27-1900-Romans-By-Chapters-Romans-5-20-21-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:56 31577k
[SND]2021-01-31-1030-Beware-of-Leaven-Luke-12-1-3-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:56 37765k
[SND]2021-01-31-1800-Be-Mindful-2-Peter-3-1-18-Brother-David-Pritchett.mp32021-09-11 20:56 32219k
[SND]2021-02-05-1900-Romans-By-Chapters-Romans-6-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:57 39939k
[SND]2021-02-07-Overview-Of-The-Bible-Habakkuk-3-17-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:57 33463k
[SND]2021-02-10-1900-I-Will-Run-After-2Kings-5-20-27-Brother-David-Pritchett.mp32021-09-11 20:57 39275k
[SND]2021-02-14-1030-Fear-In-Its-Proper-Place-Part-2-Luke-12-4-12-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:57 30428k
[SND]2021-02-14-1800-Overview-Of-The-Bible-Zephaniah-Zephaniah-1-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:57 35624k
[SND]2021-02-17-1900-Romans-By-Chapters-Romans-7-25-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:57 34201k
[SND]2021-02-21-1030-Overview-Of-The-Bible-Haggai-1-1-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:58 35369k
[SND]2021-02-21-1030-The-Fairness-Doctrine-Luke-12-13-21-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:58 43600k
[SND]2021-02-24-1900-Romans-By-Chapters-Romans-8-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:58 36485k
[SND]2021-02-28-1030-Whos-Looking-Out-For-You-Luke-12-22-31-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:58 43031k
[SND]2021-02-28-1800-Romans-By-Chapters-Romans-8-2-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:58 29926k
[SND]2021-03-03-1900-Biblical-Stewardship-Matthew-25-14-30-Steve-Taylor.mp32021-09-11 20:58 46008k
[SND]2021-03-07-1030-Could-You-Not-Watch-With-Me-One-Hour-Matthew-26-36-46-Mike-We...2021-09-11 20:59 45067k
[SND]2021-03-07-1800-An-Hour-With-God-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:59 44244k
[SND]2021-03-10-1900-Romans-9-Romans-9-30-33-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:59 34928k
[SND]2021-03-14-1030-Directing-Your-Heart-To-The-Kingdom-Luke-12-31-34-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:59 39130k
[SND]2021-03-14-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Zachariah-Zachariah-4-6-7-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:59 40081k
[SND]2021-03-17-1900-Romans-By-Chapters-10-Romans-10-12-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 20:59 35108k
[SND]2021-03-21-1030-A-Contrast-In-Service-Luke-12-35-48-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:00 31491k
[SND]2021-03-21-1800-Filled-With-the-Holy-Spirit-Luke-11-1-13-Brother-Jesse-Stratt...2021-09-11 21:00 23305k
[SND]2021-03-24-1900-Run-Your Race-Matthew-28-1-7-Missionary-Jonathan-Heaton.mp32021-09-11 21:00 42163k
[SND]2021-03-28-1030-Jesus-The-Divider-Luke-12-49-53-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:00 35744k
[SND]2021-03-28-1800-Jesus-The-Divider-Luke-12-49-53-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:00 35744k
[SND]2021-03-28-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Malachi-Malachi-4-5-6-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:00 37545k
[SND]2021-04-04-0830-For-God-So-Loved-Isaiah-53-Brother-Simeon-Dhuey.mp32021-09-11 21:01 28688k
[SND]2021-04-04-1030-Why-Seek-Ye-The-Living-Among-The-Dead-Luke-24-5-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:01 42258k
[SND]2021-04-07-1900-A-Prosperous-Christian-Psalm-1-2-3-Missionary-Stephen-Doolitt...2021-09-11 21:01 42133k
[SND]2021-04-11-1030-Spiritual-Discernment-Luke-12-54-59-Pastor-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:01 40772k
[SND]2021-04-11-1800-The-Command-From-Heaven-And-The-Cry-From-Hell-Matthew-28-18-2...2021-09-11 21:02 51302k
[SND]2021-04-14-1900-Are-You-Ready-for-Revial-1-Samuel-7-1-10-Evangelist-Mark-Viss...2021-09-11 21:01 34282k
[SND]2021-04-18-1030-Give-Me-Back-My-Tears-Psalm-126-5-6-Evangelist-Chris-Miller.mp32021-09-11 21:02 42004k
[SND]2021-04-18-1800-Revival-Is-A-Choice-Deuteronomy-30-19-20-Evangelist-Chris-Mil...2021-09-11 21:02 35271k
[SND]2021-04-19-1845-Filled-to-Overflowing-John-7-37-39-Evangelist-Chris-Miller.mp32021-09-11 21:02 42078k
[SND]2021-04-20-1845-The-Secret-of-the-Vine-John-15-1-6-Evangelist-Chris-Miller.mp32021-09-11 21:02 39433k
[SND]2021-04-21-1845-The-Mystery-Of-Marriage-And-Family-Ephesians-5-32-33-Evangeli...2021-09-11 21:03 47420k
[SND]2021-04-22-1845-The-Perfect-Gift-Romans-3-23-Evangelist-Chris-Miller.mp32021-09-11 21:03 63768k
[SND]2021-04-23-1845-I-Am-Ready-Romans-1-15-16-Evangelist-Chris-Miller.mp32021-09-11 21:03 47670k
[SND]2021-04-25-1800-Hope-In-A-Hopeless-Situation-John-11-25-27-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:03 29946k
[SND]2021-04-25-Repentance-Before-Inspection-Luke-13-1-9-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:03 36973k
[SND]2021-04-28-1900-The-Difference-Between-Orpah-and-Ruth-Ruth-1-1-18-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:03 34361k
[SND]2021-05-02-1030-A-Question-For-Us-John-18-11-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:04 40651k
[SND]2021-05-02-1800-Make-A-Stand-John-7-40-50-Dr-Mike-Hall.mp32021-09-11 21:03 32452k
[SND]2021-05-05-1900-Leave-It-In-His-Hands-James-5-16-Brian-North.mp32021-09-11 21:04 23663k
[SND]2021-05-09-1030-A-Psalm-For-The-End-Of-The-Earth-Psalm-61-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:04 35357k
[SND]2021-05-09-1800-God-Protection-In-A-Time-Of-Pestilence-Psalm-9-1-2-Mike Weiss...2021-09-11 21:04 38884k
[SND]2021-05-12-1900-Overwhelmed-Psalm-61-1-2-Brother-David-Pritchett.mp32021-09-11 21:04 40281k
[SND]2021-05-16-1030-At-The-Synagogue-Luke-13-1-17-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:04 36119k
[SND]2021-05-16-1800-Dangers-In-Time-Of-Testing-Exodus-32-1-23-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:04 34090k
[SND]2021-05-19-Romans-by-Chapter-11-Romans-11-25-26-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:05 32820k
[SND]2021-05-19-Romans-by-Chapters-11-Romans-11-25-26-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:05 32820k
[SND]2021-05-23-1030-Do-I-Care-Acts-16-22-28-Brother-Eric-Cohan.mp32021-09-11 21:05 47395k
[SND]2021-05-23-1800-Blind-Bartimaeus-Mark-10-46-52-Steve-Taylor.mp32021-09-11 21:05 43629k
[SND]2021-05-26-1900-Five-Facets-of-One-Jewel-Matthew-28-18-20-Dave-Ketels.mp32021-09-11 21:05 24032k
[SND]2021-05-30-1030-He-Was-A-Samaritan-Luke-17-11-19-Brother-David-Pritchett.mp32021-09-11 21:05 38869k
[SND]2021-05-30-1800-What-Is-It-Going-To-Take-Acts-26-1-32-Brother-David-Pritchett...2021-09-11 21:05 44512k
[SND]2021-06-02-1900-A-Fineprint-Christian-Judges-6-14-17-Missionary-Josh-Szwarga.mp32021-09-11 21:06 39486k
[SND]2021-06-06-1030-What-Is-The-Kingdom-of-God-Like-Luke-13-18-21-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:06 37443k
[SND]2021-06-06-1400-The-Importance-of-Reading-Gods-Word-Daily-2-Chronicles-12-13-...2021-09-11 21:06 34883k
[SND]2021-06-09-1900-Gods-Will-Romans-12-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:06 39448k
[SND]2021-06-13-1030-Are-You-A-Stranger-to-Him-Luke-13-22-30-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:06 43101k
[SND]2021-06-13-1800-7-SWs-of Missions-Romans-10-13-15-Robert-Doolittle.mp32021-09-11 21:06 56631k
[SND]2021-06-16-1900-Submission-Romans-13-1-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:07 34061k
[SND]2021-06-20-1030-Whats-the-Big-Deal-About-Fathers-Malachi-4-6-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:07 41442k
[SND]2021-06-20-1800-Overview-Of-The-Bible--Matthew-Matthew-2-1-6-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:07 37576k
[SND]2021-06-23-1900-The-Focus-Philippians-1-27-Missionary-Josh-Morris.mp32021-09-11 21:07 23806k
[SND]2021-06-27-1030-The-Perfection-of-Christ-Luke-13-31-35-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:07 36968k
[SND]2021-06-27-1800-Overview-of-the-Bible-Mark-Mark-10-35-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:07 33609k
[SND]2021-06-30-1900-How-to-Deal-With-Differences-in-the-Church-Romans 14-Mike-Wei...2021-09-11 21:07 37539k
[SND]2021-07-04-1030-What-Does-God-Really-Want-From-Us-Luke-14-1-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:08 39202k
[SND]2021-07-04-1800-How-To-Be-Truly-Patriotic-1-Kings-18-17-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:08 27148k
[SND]2021-07-11-1030-Salt-Light-Challenge-To-The-Christian-and-The-Church-Matthew-...2021-09-11 21:08 47111k
[SND]2021-07-11-1400-What-Are-We-Supposed-To-Do-Matthew-16-16-19-Missionary-Jeff-S...2021-09-11 21:08 43682k
[SND]2021-07-14-1900-A-Crown-Laid-up-For-Us-2-Timothy-4-1-8-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:08 33310k
[SND]2021-07-18-1030-Humility-Luke-14-7-11-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:08 36338k
[SND]2021-07-18-1800-Thou-That-Hearest-Prayer-Psalm-65-2-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:09 34267k
[SND]2021-07-21-1900-Closing-Thoughts-Romans-16- Romans-16-19-20-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:09 40536k
[SND]2021-07-25-1030-Count-The-Cost-Luke-14-25-35-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:09 32556k
[SND]2021-07-28-1900-Friendships-Four-Faces-1-Samuel-18-1-5-Brother-David-Terry.mp32021-09-11 21:09 26708k
[SND]2021-08-01-1030-Rejoice-With Me-Luke-15-1-10-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:09 35079k
[SND]2021-08-01-1400-Q-A--Pray-For-Us-1-Thessalonians-5-23-Missionary-Jeff-Shergal...2021-09-11 21:10 51155k
[SND]2021-08-08-1030-A-Tale-of-Three-Characters-Luke-15-11-32-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:10 37062k
[SND]2021-08-08-1800-The-Midnight-Choice-Acts-16-25-Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:10 32674k
[SND]2021-08-11-1900-God-is-Able-to-Make-You-Abound-2-Corinthians-9-1-11-Mike-Weis...2021-09-11 21:10 25976k
[SND]2021-08-15-1030-We-Count-Them-Happy-James-5-10-11-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:10 37397k
[SND]2021-08-15-1800-Overview-Of-The-Bible-John-John-1-1-7-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:10 29026k
[SND]2021-08-18-1900-Dont-Think-of-Men-Above-That-Which-is-Written-1Corinthians-4-...2021-09-11 21:10 27217k
[SND]2021-08-22-1030-The-Parable-of-the-Unjust-Steward-Luke-16-1-13-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:11 38638k
[SND]2021-08-22-1800-The-Father-Seeketh-Such-To-Worship-Him-John-4_19-24-Mike-Weis...2021-09-11 21:11 33802k
[SND]2021-08-25-1900-Assurance-of-Salvation-Romans-8-31-39-Evangelist-Ken-McDonald...2021-09-11 21:11 43071k
[SND]2021-08-29-1030-The-King-His-Kid-and-the-Collective-1 Samuel-14-1-10-Brother-...2021-09-11 21:11 39808k
[SND]2021-08-29-1800-The-Sword-of-the-Spirit-Ephesians-6-10-18-Brother-David-Pritc...2021-09-11 21:12 39840k
[SND]2021-09-05-1030-Things-Are-Not-As-They-Seem-Luke-16-14-18-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 22:48 40637k
[SND]2021-09-05-1800-Overview-Of-Acts-Joel-2-28-32-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:12 42319k
[SND]2021-09-08-1900-Be-in-the-Same-Mind-in-the-Lord-Philippians-4_1-2-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-14 14:55 38532k
[SND]2021-09-12-1030-5-Reasons-To-Stay-True-to-Jesus-Christ-2-Corinthians-5_10_Pas...2021-09-14 15:10 47403k
[SND]2021-09-12-1800-Great Men Are Not Always Wise _ Job 32_9 _ Pastor Randy King.mp32021-09-15 00:39 57368k
[SND]2021-09-15-Determining-the-Will-of-God-James-1-5-7-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-20 02:56 40642k
[SND]2021-09-19-1030-What Covetousness Looks Like-Luke-16-13-14-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-22 22:38 36348k
[SND]2021-09-19-1800-Overview -of-the-Bible-Romans-Romans-1-13-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-22 22:41 28774k
[SND]2021-09-1900-The-Removal-of-He-Who-Letteth-2-Thessalonians-2_1-12-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-26 21:32 42127k
[SND]2021-09-26-1030-For the Pleasure of the Master _ Luke 17_1-10 _Mike Weiss.mp32021-09-28 23:00 35146k
[SND]2021-09-29-1900-Forgotten-Commands _ Philippians 4_1-9-Mike Weiss.mp32021-10-02 21:30 33750k
[SND]2021-10-03-1030-A-Life-of-Reasonable-Service _ Romans-12_1-3_ Missionary-Alex...2021-10-05 23:58 40085k
[SND]2021-10-03-1800-Our-Desire-That-They-be-Saved-Romans-10_1 _ Missionary-Alexan...2021-10-05 23:41 17989k
[SND]202110211900-Why-Do-We-Have-So-Little-to-Say-to-God-2-Chronicles-7_11-16-Mike...2021-10-24 04:45 35493k
[SND]2023-11-19-AM-The Portionof Them That Spoil us-Isaiah 17-Complete ( 03:08 61129k
[SND]2023-11-23-Thanksgiving-A New Covenant-Complete ( 02:24 15753k
[SND] 06:11 57791k
[SND] 03:44 57784k
[SND]A Call To Make a Choice _ Joshua 24_14-15 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-18 01:37 28374k
[SND]A Choice Of Servants _ Acts 6_1-7 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 02:52 42642k
[SND]A Christmas Prophecy _ Isaiah 53 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-01-08 23:14 34674k
[SND]A Church With Great Characteristics _ Acts 4_32-37 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (mp3cu...2023-10-02 02:54 40339k
[SND]A Different Perspective on Prayer-Complete ( 01:04 46817k
[SND]A God Easy To Be Intreated _ 2 Chronicles 33_1-21 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (mp3cut...2023-09-12 01:48 46633k
[SND]A Great Change Due To A Small Sprout - Part 2 _ Isaiah 11_1-16 _ Pastor Mike ...2023-09-03 03:23 43208k
[SND]A Great Change Due To A Small Sprout Part 1 _ Isaiah 11_1-16 _ Pastor Mike We...2023-08-26 21:56 36168k
[SND]A Life Of Fulfillment _ Matthew 2_1-5 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-01-01 22:26 39927k
[SND]A Man Borne Of Four _ Mark 2_1-12 _ Brother Steve Taylor.mp32023-05-16 05:44 52952k
[SND]A New Year's Commitment _ Psalm 146_1-10 _ Brother David Pritchett.mp32023-01-01 22:16 29755k
[SND]A Parable With A Point _ Luke 18_1-8 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-11-09 15:40 36123k
[SND]A Parable With An Audience _ Luke 18_9-14 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-11-21 23:28 29974k
[SND]A Prayer for Understanding _ Ephesians 3_14-21 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-05-14 18:52 23905k
[SND]A Question of Authority _ Luke 20_1-19 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-02-08 23:43 32988k
[SND]A Recipe for Healing Blindness _ Luke 18_35-43 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-12-26 00:00 33758k
[SND]A Resurrection Outcome _ 1 Corinthians 15_17-18 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-05-14 19:03 46199k
[SND]A Sanctuary or A Stone _ Isaiah 8_14-22 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 03:45 42033k
[SND]A Special Vocation _ Ephesians 4_1-2 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 19:12 35863k
[SND]A Spirit-Controlled Couple _ Ephesians 5_22-33 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-17 22:17 27203k
[SND]A Suffering Apostle _ Colossians 1_24-29 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 18:46 35633k
[SND]A Tender Meal With Close Friends _ Luke 22_7-13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-06-23 23:22 39019k
[SND]A Test Of Purity_Acts 51-11_Pastor Mike Weiss ( 03:46 59196k
[SND]a-church-with-a-christian-name_1724909046.mp32024-08-29 05:24 50892k
[SND]a-contentious-realization_1724441809.mp32024-08-23 19:36 44257k
[SND] 03:19 52915k
[SND]a-false-convert-complete-( 03:20 53237k
[SND]a-new-life-complete-( 01:41 63886k
[SND]a-personal-god_1724680824.mp32024-08-26 14:00 52927k
[SND] 06:09 42900k
[SND]a-spiritual-change-of-clothes---part-2-( 05:16 47986k
[SND]a-spirtual-change-of-clothes-part-1-complete-( 04:36 46365k
[SND]a-study-on-the-sabbath-complete.mp32024-02-01 03:04 59370k
[SND]Acts 1_15-26 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 06:04 43317k
[SND]Acts 1_9-14 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 05:47 35555k
[SND]Acts 1_9-14 Part 2 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 05:56 44018k
[SND]Acts 2_1-13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 06:15 36288k
[SND]Acts 2_5-13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 05:54 28210k
[SND]Again _ Genesis 39_1-9 _ Evangelist Chris Miller.mp32022-06-13 17:14 33973k
[SND]Alien Thinking _ Philippians 2_3 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-05-14 18:47 30863k
[SND]Aloof _ Malachi 1 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-20 02:51 39262k
[SND]An Attempt to Entrap _ Luke 20_19-26 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-26 18:46 34630k
[SND]An Unfaithful Nation _ Isaiah 1_21-31 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 05:45 44182k
[SND]An Unlikely Son Of Abraham _ Luke 19_1-10 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-01-08 23:20 42408k
[SND]Anarchy _ Isaiah 3_1-15 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 06:13 40027k
[SND]And At Midnight _ Acts 16_22-25 _ Brother David Pritchett ( 03:01 28902k
[SND]Anti-Climax _ Psalm 75_5-7 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-20 01:04 35376k
[SND]Are You Prepared_ _ Luke 22_39-47 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-07-22 02:08 36566k
[SND]are-you-tired-of-it-yet-complete-( 03:25 66336k
[SND]As It Becometh The Gospel of Christ _ Philippians 1_27 _ Pastor Stephen Van G...2023-06-24 18:22 30431k
[SND]As To The Lord And Not Unto Men _ Ephesians 6_1-9 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 05:30 32203k
[SND]Asking for the Fullness of the Holy Spirit _ John 7_37-38 _ Pastor Mike Weiss...2023-07-13 03:48 38099k
[SND]Assurance of Salvation _ 1 John 5_8-13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-17 22:23 35133k
[SND] 04:47 39665k
[SND]Avoiding Ignorance _ 1 Corinthians 10_1-12 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 03:51 25830k
[SND]Back To Basics Of Bible Reading _ 2 Timothy 3_16-17 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 13:11 28935k
[SND]Back To Basics – Witnessing _ Mark 1_9-20 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 02:12 43037k
[SND]Back To The Basics _ Acts 2_42 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-01-25 00:32 22951k
[SND]Be A Faithful Minister of Christ _ Colossians 1_1-9 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (mp3c...2023-09-12 02:00 32749k
[SND]Be Filled With The Spirit _ Ephesians 5_15-21 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-18 01:00 26303k
[SND]Be Not Deceived-Ephesians 5_1-7 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-18 03:24 20958k
[SND] 21:58 64902k
[SND]Being Watchmen for God _ Ezekiel 1 _ Brother Daniel Weiss.mp32022-09-17 19:07 11341k
[SND]being-dead-means-different-battles-complete-( 02:57 48953k
[SND]being-dead-means-different-battles-part-2-complete-( 17:53 51045k
[SND]being-dead-means-different-battles-part-3-complete-( 03:35 49411k
[SND]Beware of False Doctrine _ Matthew 16_6-11 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 05:27 44598k
[SND]Beware of the Scribes _ Luke 20_41-47 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 18:37 40113k
[SND]Beware-2-Complete ( 19:08 50600k
[SND]Beware-Complete ( 02:53 45172k
[SND]Biblical Fasting _ Matthew 6_16-18 _ Dr. Steve Taylor.mp32022-02-08 23:40 47789k
[SND] 02:54 43778k
[SND]Bring Them To Me _ John 4_1-29 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 06:27 24016k
[SND]budgeting-complete-( 01:14 63838k
[SND]Can I Worship In A Valley_ _ Job 1_12-22 _ Brother John Vincent.mp32022-07-22 01:53 31110k
[SND]capture - 10 December 2023 - 05-40-32 PM-Christmas Program ( 00:38 101395k
[SND] 02:08 87150k
[SND]Choosing Deacons _ Acts 6_1-7 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 18:33 27176k
[SND]Christ Is Interceding For Us _ Romans 8_34 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 13:06 23437k
[SND]Christmas Changed Communication-Complete ( 04:53 52034k
[SND]Christmas Everyday _ Luke 2_8-16 _ Brother David Pritchett.mp32022-02-13 18:06 26272k
[SND]Cleaning House _ Luke 19_45-48 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-02-07 02:37 35483k
[SND]Cold Water _ Matthew 10_42 _ Evangelist Tom Geer ( 02:19 51247k
[SND]Communications of Doubt _ Luke 24_13-35 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-18 02:58 38956k
[SND]Complete in Christ _ Colossians 1_1-8 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 21:44 35604k
[SND]Complete Surrender _ Romans 12_1-2 _ Brother John Austin.mp32022-08-13 18:34 37910k
[SND]Continuing in God's Love _ John 15_9-13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-26 18:43 31183k
[SND]Continuous Thanksgiving _ 1Thessalonians 5_16-18 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (mp3cut....2021-12-12 01:35 20172k
[SND]Correct Posture With The Full Armor _ Ephesians 6_18-24 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 06:10 30458k
[SND]David The Giant Killer _ 1 Chronicles 20_4-8 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 01:42 34327k
[SND]DBBS message1_Christ Cares.mp32022-07-24 20:20 45000k
[SND]DBBS wk10_Troubled, Yet Cared For.mp32022-08-31 19:45 83937k
[SND]DBBS wk11_AM_Thy Word Is.mp32022-08-31 19:38 54712k
[SND]DBBS wk11_SS_Clean Every Whit part 1.mp32022-08-31 19:42 62722k
[SND]DBBS wk12_AM_The Son and The Sea.mp32022-09-07 17:03 71419k
[SND]DBBS wk12_SS_Clean Every Whit part 2.mp32022-09-07 17:00 78330k
[SND]DBBS wk2_The Caring Christ.mp32022-08-19 19:16 70725k
[SND]DBBS wk3_Great Things The Lord Hath Done.mp32022-08-19 19:26 65308k
[SND]DBBS wk4_Christ's Care Available.mp32022-08-19 19:33 75883k
[SND]DBBS wk5_The Mission Statement of Christ Care.mp32022-08-19 19:41 70062k
[SND]DBBS wk6_Christ's Care Manifested.mp32022-08-19 19:48 76315k
[SND]DBBS wk7_Christ's Care Mandated.mp32022-08-19 19:53 81188k
[SND]DBBS wk8_Christ's Care, Mighty.mp32022-08-19 19:57 68979k
[SND]DBBS wk9_I Can Be A Part Of His Family.mp32022-08-19 20:29 79220k
[SND]debt-complete-( 04:47 62011k
[SND]Defeat _ Luke 23_46-56 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-20 01:14 34810k
[SND]Delighting In His Way-Complete ( 03:19 62589k
[SND]Diligent Heart Preparation _ Proverbs 4_20-27 _ Brother David Pritchett.mp32022-02-19 21:26 30590k
[SND]Discouraging Hearts _ Deuteronomy 1_19-21 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 18:37 31560k
[SND]Do You Know Him_ _ Philippians 3_7-10 _ Evangelist Matt Barber.mp32023-05-16 13:42 48831k
[SND]doing-what-you-can-complete-( 04:40 59345k
[SND]Dont Monkey Around With Sin-Complete ( 02:29 80846k
[SND]Ed Johnson Presentation - Its Go Time-Complete ( 02:03 62422k
[SND]Either Or Matthew 6 19-32 Brother David Pritchett.mp32022-03-06 00:46 67195k
[SND] 05:06 64257k
[SND]Encumbered _ Luke 10_38-42 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 06:08 30404k
[SND]engaging-the-enemy-complete-( 21:59 63955k
[SND]Ephesians 4_1-3 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-06-13 18:12 29089k
[SND]Ephesians 4_30-32 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-08-25 22:14 30717k
[SND] 05:37 69683k
[SND]Faith Not Fear _ 2 Timothy 4_1-8 _ Pastor Fred Weiss.mp32022-06-13 18:31 43337k
[SND]faith:-the-key-to-obedience_1724639170.mp32024-08-26 02:26 52342k
[SND]faith:-the-key-to-walking-with-god_1725314415.mp32024-09-02 22:00 62553k
[SND]Fake News_ Galatians 1_6-9 _ Brother Eric Cohan.mp32022-12-20 03:00 43918k
[SND]Family Life Series - Part 1_5 _ MARRIAGE-The Hub of Every Home _ Pastor Mike ...2023-01-16 19:44 56468k
[SND]Family Life Series - Part 2_5 _ JOY–The Essential Ingredient In Every Home ...2023-01-16 19:52 56775k
[SND]Family Life Series - Part 3_5 _ INTEGRITY–Essential In Your Home _ Pastor M...2023-01-16 19:58 53993k
[SND]Family Life Series - Part 4_5 _ BOUNDARIES–The Source of Security for Your ...2023-01-16 20:22 52774k
[SND]Family Life Series - Part 5_5 _ BIBLICAL ROLES–The Key To Efficiency For Th...2023-01-16 20:35 56408k
[SND]Fear God and Keep His Commandments _ Ecclesiastes 12_13-14 _ Pastor Mike Weis...2021-10-30 05:44 35466k
[SND]fearing-the-devouring-fire_1723007301.mp32024-08-07 05:08 42072k
[SND]Fellowship-Complete ( 00:28 58547k
[SND]Filled With The Spirit _ Ephesians 5_13-22 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-17 22:49 27886k
[SND]Five Things That Are Not Enough _ 1 Corinthians 13_1-13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (...2023-08-12 01:30 34569k
[SND]Fixed On Praise _ Psalm 57 _ Evangelist Ed Bragg.mp32023-05-16 13:17 37288k
[SND]Follow Closely _ John 18_15-27 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 13:09 31636k
[SND]Follow The Recipe! _ Proverbs 13_13-16 _ Brother David Pritchett.mp32022-12-16 23:16 40259k
[SND]foundational-faith_1722916047.mp32024-08-06 03:47 60263k
[SND]From A Rod In God's Hand To A Log In The fire _ Isaiah 10_5-19 _ Pastor Mike ...2023-08-12 02:48 40272k
[SND]frugality-complete-( 04:31 71698k
[SND]Fruits of Unthankfulness _ Psalm 27_13 _ Missionary Chris Lowe.mp32022-12-20 03:14 31710k
[SND]Fulfilled Prophecy _ Luke 18_31-34 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-12-25 23:44 37077k
[SND]giving-complete-( 05:14 57786k
[SND]Go, and Sin No More _ John 8_1-11 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 05:49 27882k
[SND]God Decides What Will Stand _ Isaiah 7_1-9 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 20:59 38164k
[SND]God Doesn't Always Get What He Wants _ Isaiah 40_12-31 _ Evangelist Ken McDon...2023-08-12 01:37 40095k
[SND]God Is Good _ Judges 20_18-25 _ Brother Clint Housley ( 04:41 41128k
[SND]God Is Love _ 1 John 4_8 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-26 18:41 42729k
[SND]God The Great Strategist - Complete ( 01:13 36722k
[SND]God Will Fulfill His Purpose _ Isaiah 10_20-34 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 18:24 38858k
[SND]God Wonders _ Isaiah 59_16 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 00:16 29037k
[SND]God's Grace _ Ephesian 2_1-10 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-19 19:50 25076k
[SND]God's Great Exchange _ Isaiah 40_27-31 _ Pastor Stephen Van Gelderen (mp3cut....2023-06-24 20:35 41577k
[SND]God's Love _ Genesis 22_1-12 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 12:59 16337k
[SND]God's Peace _ John 20_19-23, 26-29 _ Pastor Mark Gillmore ( 04:08 33558k
[SND]God's Watchmen.mp32024-01-15 22:22 61639k
[SND]God's Wonderful Love _ Ephesians 2_1-5 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-01-31 17:23 29042k
[SND] 03:47 38275k
[SND]Gods Great Use Of The Apostles-Complete ( 00:55 59303k
[SND]Gods Hand-Complete ( 02:55 56730k
[SND] 04:27 59954k
[SND] 03:57 41850k
[SND]Growing Up Christ-Like _ Luke 2_39-52 _ Brother David Pritchett.mp32022-09-17 19:01 38717k
[SND]Hannah's Surrender _ 1 Samuel 1_24-28 _ Evangelist Chris Miller.mp32022-06-13 17:12 37856k
[SND]He Is Our Peace _ Ephesians 2_11-22 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-26 18:49 29052k
[SND]His Hand Is Stretched Out Still _ Isaiah 9_8-21 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (mp3cut.n...2023-07-22 17:43 37533k
[SND]Holy Heartburn-Complete ( 02:41 45085k
[SND]Honor Your Parents _ Ephesians 6_1-3 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-20 02:54 36746k
[SND]Honor's Receptionist _ Proverbs 15_33 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 05:40 35779k
[SND]How Can We Know_ _ Ephesians 4_25-32 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-08-04 22:23 36530k
[SND]How Did it Get This Bad_ _ Luke 22_1-6 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-06-13 18:22 38014k
[SND]How Mature Are You_ _ Luke 18_15-17 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-11-24 22:12 33989k
[SND]How Things Can Change _ 1 Kings 11_1-11 _ Brother David Pritchett.mp32022-09-17 19:04 33121k
[SND]How to Not Faint _ Psalm 27_13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 03:42 36090k
[SND]How To Pray For Your Fellow Christian – Part 1 _ Colossians 1_9-14 _ Pastor...2023-10-03 01:43 24547k
[SND]How To Pray For Your Fellow Christian – Part 2 _ Colossians 1_9-14 _ Pastor...2023-10-02 02:45 27052k
[SND]How To Pray For Your Fellow Christian – Part 3 _ Colossians 1_9-14 _ Pastor...2023-10-02 02:38 31520k
[SND]How to Respond to Government Opposition _ Acts 4_23-31 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (m...2023-10-03 01:38 32238k
[SND]how-do-you-see---part-2_1723697247.mp32024-08-15 04:47 60199k
[SND]how-do-you-see---part_1723125998.mp32024-08-08 14:06 49620k
[SND] 04:57 68450k
[SND] 03:39 53246k
[SND] 05:47 73873k
[SND]Hows-Your-Faith-Daniel-3-Missionary-Nathan-Kowach.mp32021-10-21 05:14 21997k
[SND]Humiliation! _ Isaiah 3_16-26 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 06:29 40721k
[SND] 20:33 53387k
[SND]Immediately-Complete ( 02:00 50307k
[SND] 05:16 53237k
[SND]Is God Pleased With You_ _ Hebrews 11_1-6 _ Brother Eric Cohan.mp32022-09-17 18:59 42435k
[SND]Is Your Life A Sacrifice For God_ _ Romans 12_1-2 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-01-24 21:07 18836k
[SND] 05:56 63778k
[SND]Isaiah 2_1-5 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 05:53 41058k
[SND]Isaiah _ Isaiah 1_1-9 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 05:20 42309k
[SND]Isaiah's Call _ Isaiah 6_8-13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 13:55 41543k
[SND]Isaiah's Vision _ Isaiah 6_1-7 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 13:45 43912k
[SND]isaiahs-apocalypse---part-2-complete-( 01:31 53638k
[SND]isaiahs-apocalypse---part-3--complete-( 03:29 61604k
[SND]isaiahs-apocalypse---part-4-complete-( 22:23 56305k
[SND]isaiahs-apocalypse-part-1-complete-( 21:16 65851k
[SND]Israel's Worship In The Kingdom _ Isaiah 12 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 03:33 43882k
[SND]It's Your day _ Luke 19_ 42- 48 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-01-31 17:29 39188k
[SND]Jacobs Ladder-Complete ( 04:55 62830k
[SND]James 5_14-18 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 13:59 11262k
[SND]Jesus Gave His Life For The Church _ Ephesians 5_25 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (mp3c...2023-08-12 01:48 18552k
[SND]Jesus is Still Alive _ Genesis 45_25-28 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-11-07 03:41 30195k
[SND]Jesus' Last Action _ Luke 24_50-53 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-17 23:33 35027k
[SND]Jesus, The Stone _ Luke 20_17-18 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-19 19:27 33490k
[SND]JIREH _ Christmas Program 2022.mp32022-12-20 18:11 77378k
[SND] 05:33 46601k
[SND]knowing-the-voice-of-god-complete-( 22:28 58012k
[SND]Leaving A Spiritual Legacy _ Psalm 145 _ Pastor Stephen Van Gelderen (mp3cut....2023-06-24 20:32 36600k
[SND]Leaving All and Following Him _ Luke 18_28-30 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 01:41 35035k
[SND]Lessons from the Battlefield _ 2 Samuel 5_17-25 _ Brother David Pritchett (mp...2023-06-24 21:09 46137k
[SND] 21:58 59272k
[SND]Living in the Last Days _ Isaiah 3_8-13 _ Pastor Fred Weiss.mp32022-06-13 18:28 40948k
[SND]Living In The Light of Eternity _ Titus 2_11-15, Luke 16_19-31 _ Evangelist C...2023-01-11 21:36 58569k
[SND]living-in-light-of-being-dead-complete-( 03:09 45566k
[SND] 04:40 50787k
[SND]Loneliness, Humility, and Patience _ Luke 22_21-30 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-07-22 01:51 36290k
[SND]Look And Live _ John 3_1-16 _ Evangelist Matt Barber.mp32023-05-16 13:30 45507k
[SND]Looking Like A Fool For Gods Sake-Complete ( 00:42 49275k
[SND]Lord of the Harvest _ Matthew 9_37-38 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-20 00:58 16109k
[SND] 04:24 65184k
[SND]Loving Those Who Hate The Lord-Complete ( 02:37 57465k
[SND]Magnified Thy Word Above All Thy Name-Complete ( 05:30 30426k
[SND]Maher-Shalal-hashbaz _ Isaiah 8_1-13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 03:35 42082k
[SND]Make The Choice To Till _ Proverbs 12_11 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-06-30 23:24 40847k
[SND]Mastering Our Moods _ Psalm 42_1-11 _ Evangelist Matt Barber.mp32023-05-16 13:26 37129k
[SND]Ministry Motivation-Complete ( 05:17 64582k
[SND]Missionary Sarah Shadrick-Complete ( 20:09 43136k
[SND]Missionary Testimonies _ Missionaries Nick Stoll, Sam Rogers, Will Esayenko.mp32022-12-18 00:11 42870k
[SND]Missionary-Bethany Needham-Complete ( 03:14 24180k
[SND]No Corrupt Communication _ Ephesians 4_17-32 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-08-25 22:24 43234k
[SND]Not So, My Father _ Genesis 48_8-20 _ Brother David Pritchett ( 01:48 45649k
[SND]Not When But What Shall I Do _ Luke 21_5-19 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 18:03 41952k
[SND]Not-with-Observation-Luke-17_20-21-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-11-03 22:12 50078k
[SND]o-give-thanks-unto-the-lord_1725939177.mp32024-09-10 03:32 59029k
[SND] 05:11 61373k
[SND]One Body _ Ephesians 4_4-6 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-06-13 18:19 26975k
[SND]One Body, Many Members for a Purpose _ Ephesians 4_7-13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-06-13 18:26 27882k
[SND]One Was Not Moved _ John 12_12-19 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-05-14 18:54 36536k
[SND]One-Out-Of-Ten-Luke-17_11-19-Pastor-Mike-Weiss ( 05:05 38522k
[SND]Overview Of 1 Corinthians _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-10-30 05:11 48494k
[SND]Overview Of 1 John _ 1 John 3_1-3 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 04:07 39703k
[SND]Overview Of 1 John _ 1 John 3_1-3 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-06-13 18:17 39703k
[SND]Overview Of 1 Peter - Victory Over Suffering _ 1Peter 4_1 _ Pastor Mike Weiss...2023-11-17 03:54 29550k
[SND]Overview Of 1Peter - Victory Over Suffering _ 1Peter 4_1 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-05-14 18:57 29550k
[SND]Overview Of 1Thessalonians _ 1Thessalonians 4_13-18 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-12-26 00:05 39577k
[SND]Overview of 2 John _ 2 John 1-2 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 04:10 40279k
[SND]Overview of 2 John _ 2 John 1-2 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-06-23 23:24 40279k
[SND]Overview Of 2 Peter _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 04:01 28945k
[SND]Overview Of 2Peter _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-05-14 19:10 28945k
[SND]Overview of Colossians _ Colossians 2_8 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-12-25 23:51 34904k
[SND]Overview Of Ephesians _ Ephesians 2_11-22 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-11-21 23:21 41500k
[SND]Overview Of Ephesians _ Ephesians 4_12-15 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-07-22 01:55 26685k
[SND]Overview Of Galatians _ Galatians 5_1-11 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-11-09 15:45 36094k
[SND]Overview Of Hebrews _ Hebrews 1_1-3 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 03:46 34385k
[SND]Overview Of Hebrews _ Hebrews 1_1-3 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-05-14 18:42 34385k
[SND]Overview Of James _ James 4_4-10 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 03:50 37530k
[SND]Overview Of James _ James 4_4-10 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-05-14 18:50 37530k
[SND]Overview Of Philemon _ Philemon 1_1-25 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 03:42 29321k
[SND]Overview Of Philemon _ Philemon 1_1-25 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-26 18:48 29321k
[SND]Overview Of Philippians _ Philippians 2_4-11 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-11-24 22:02 31606k
[SND]Overview of the Bible - 1 Timothy _ 1 Timothy 1_1-2 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-01-31 17:25 39316k
[SND]Overview of the Bible - 2 Thessalonians _ 2 Thessalonians 2_1-2 _ Pastor Mike...2022-01-18 02:53 31690k
[SND]Overview of the Bible - Jeremiah _ Jeremiah 1_10 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (mp3cut....2023-11-16 03:45 43401k
[SND]Overview of the Bible _ 3 John _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 04:15 25010k
[SND]Overview of the Bible _ 3 John _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-06-30 23:26 25010k
[SND]Overview of the Bible _ Jude _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 04:19 33841k
[SND]Overview of the Bible _ Jude _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-07-22 01:59 33841k
[SND]Overview of the Bible _ Revelation _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 04:24 37229k
[SND]Overview of the Bible _ Revelation _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-07-22 02:04 37229k
[SND]Overview Of Titus _ Titus 1_4 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 03:36 32386k
[SND]Overview Of Titus _ Titus 1_4 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-19 19:30 32386k
[SND]Overview-Of-2-Corinthians-2-Corinthians-12_7-10-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-11-03 22:06 30741k
[SND]Overview-of-the-Bible-Luke-Luke--19-10-Mike-Weiss.mp32021-09-11 21:12 32068k
[SND]Passion to Pursue Jesus-Complete ( 03:04 59364k
[SND] 03:15 65860k
[SND]Patience _ James 5_7 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-11-14 06:53 31616k
[SND]Paul, The Prisoner of Jesus Christ _ Ephesians 3_1-13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-26 18:54 27273k
[SND]Peter's Message to the Gathering Crowd _ Acts 3_12-25 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (mp...2023-08-26 18:20 38963k
[SND]Peter's Miracle _ Acts 3_1-11 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 03:58 26321k
[SND]Peter's Sermon at Pentecost Part 1 _ Acts 2_14-36 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 06:06 39063k
[SND]Peter's Sermon at Pentecost Part 2 _ Acts 2_14-36 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 13:20 28020k
[SND]peters-rebuke,-simons-response-complete-( 03:46 46699k
[SND]Pick Out The Flies _ Ecclesiastes 10_1 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-18 03:36 40096k
[SND]Pointing To The Lamb _ John 1_29-31 _ Brother David Pritchett.mp32023-01-04 01:41 16994k
[SND]Present Yourself as a Living Sacrifice _ Romans 12_1-2 _ Evangelist Chris Mil...2022-06-13 17:16 36155k
[SND]Provoke Not Your Children To Wrath _ Ephesians 6_1-4 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-01-25 03:57 38718k
[SND]Psalm 91 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-08-25 22:13 29159k
[SND]purity-complete-( 03:46 67653k
[SND]Put Off The Old Man, Put On The New Man _ Ephesians 4_22-24 _ Pastor Mike Wei...2022-07-22 02:06 32280k
[SND]Put On the New Man _ Ephesians 4_17-24 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-07-22 02:01 27312k
[SND]Putting God First _ 1 Kings 17_1-16 _ Missionary Zach Foust.mp32023-05-16 06:02 44229k
[SND]Putting The Pieces Together _ Luke 24_46-49 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-18 00:19 40615k
[SND]Quickened - Part 2 _ Ephesians 2_1-10 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-01-24 21:14 36740k
[SND]Quickened _ Ephesians 2_1-10 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-01-18 02:50 25981k
[SND]Quickened Together With Christ _ Ephesians 2_5-10 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-19 19:24 33671k
[SND]rain-family-complete-( 04:15 59741k
[SND]Reaping-The-Harvest-Matthew-3_11-Part-2-Missionary-Carlos-Chacon.mp32021-10-20 22:40 22112k
[SND]Reaping-The-Harvest-Matthew-9_36-Part-1-Missionary-Carlos-Chacon.mp32021-10-20 22:34 52428k
[SND]Reckoning Changed it All _ Luke 22_35-38 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-07-22 02:03 37182k
[SND]Reconciled - Part 2 _ Colossians 1_21-23 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 02:48 25368k
[SND]Reconciled _Part 1 - Colossians 1_21-23 _ Pastor Mike Weiss-Complete (mp3cut....2023-11-10 03:57 59706k
[SND]Rejoicing in Shame-Complete ( 03:00 59157k
[SND]Remember _ Jude 5 _ Brother Brian North.mp32022-06-13 18:24 24736k
[SND]removing-a-sure-nail-complete-( 02:27 58673k
[SND]Replenished From The East _ Isaiah 2_6-22 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 06:07 34281k
[SND]Reprove the Unfruitful Works of Darkness _ Ephesians 5_11 _ Pastor Mike Weiss...2022-12-18 01:32 23881k
[SND] 17:28 55947k
[SND]Returning To Your First Love _ Pastor Mike Weiss _ Revelation 2_1-5.mp32023-01-25 01:20 40361k
[SND]Rooted and Grounded In Love - Part 2 _ Ephesians 3_17-21 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-05-14 19:06 30281k
[SND]Rooted and Grounded in Love _ Ephesians 3_17-19 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-05-14 18:59 24739k
[SND]Saints _ Ephesians 1_1-2 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 01:54 26021k
[SND] 03:20 43905k
[SND]Sanctification _ 1 Thessalonians 4_1-7 _ Brother Jason Cohan.mp32022-09-17 19:08 12264k
[SND]Satan_ Understanding Our Enemy _ Genesis 3_1 _ Dr. Steve Taylor ( 21:04 39489k
[SND]Saved Through Faith_ Ephesians 2_7-15 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-26 18:44 25935k
[SND]savings--complete-( 02:00 67267k
[SND]Seek Wisdom From His Word _ Proverbs 2_1-22 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-01-25 03:53 46010k
[SND]Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God _ Matthew 6_33 _ Missionary Zach Foust.mp32023-05-16 05:59 34432k
[SND]Send Forth Laborers _ Matthew 9_35-38 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 02:51 19189k
[SND]Separation _ 2 Corinthians 6_14-18 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-26 18:53 28153k
[SND]Servants and Citizens _ Luke 19_11-27.mp32022-01-18 02:59 36586k
[SND]Sharing The Gospel _ Mark 16_15 _ Brother Clint Housley.mp32022-06-13 17:09 31278k
[SND]She Hath Done What She Could _ Mark 14_3-9 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-05-14 19:00 26292k
[SND]simple-faith-complete-( 04:13 56916k
[SND]Sir-I-Have-No-Man-Pritchett ( 04:45 33351k
[SND]Six Woes _ Isaiah 5_8-30 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 13:14 40452k
[SND] 20:28 57256k
[SND]Some Through the Fire _ Daniel 3_19-23 _ Brother David Pritchett.mp32022-06-13 17:04 47152k
[SND]Someone Gave More _ Luke 21_1-4 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-05-14 19:08 36915k
[SND]son-rise-service-complete-( 01:32 76116k
[SND]Soul Winning _ John 4_27-38 _ Pastor John Wilkerson.mp32022-08-13 18:37 48963k
[SND]Spiritual Armor _ Ephesians 6_10 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 01:44 27842k
[SND]Spiritual Circumcision-Complete ( 17:19 48009k
[SND]Stephen The Layman _ Acts 6_1-15 _ Brother Simeon Dhuey ( 01:55 25257k
[SND]Stephens Defense-Complete ( 04:58 60813k
[SND]stewardship-part-1-complete-( 05:41 66169k
[SND]Striving for Strangers-Complete ( 05:43 56753k
[SND]Submit Yourself In The Fear Of God _ Ephesians 5_21-25 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-17 02:54 29392k
[SND]Sunday Night _ Luke 24_36-45 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-18 01:07 36778k
[SND]Surrendering To God's Service _ Exodus 3_7-11 _ Brother Mike Hall.mp32022-06-13 17:07 30477k
[SND]Take Heed Part 1 _ Mark 13_5-13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-19 19:53 39253k
[SND]Take Heed Part 2 _ Mark 13_5-13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-19 19:58 40872k
[SND]take-church-ministries-seriously.mp32024-01-22 03:29 50107k
[SND]Tell Them About It _ Mark 5_18-20 _ Brother David Pritchett.mp32022-09-17 18:57 38136k
[SND]The Armour of God - Part 3 _ Ephesians 6_16-17 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 05:58 31688k
[SND]The Bible, An Overview - 2Timothy _ 2Timothy 4_1-4 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-02-07 02:34 35171k
[SND]The Birth of Jesus _ Luke 2_1-7 _ Brother Steve Taylor.mp32022-12-20 03:10 49265k
[SND]The Boldness of Peter and John _ Acts 4_13-22 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 03:26 36495k
[SND]The Broken Box _ Mark 14_3-9 _ Evangelist Chris Miller.mp32022-06-13 17:19 38360k
[SND]The Burden Of Babylon _ Isaiah 13_1-22 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 04:07 41494k
[SND]The Burden of Babylon continued... _ Isaiah 14_1-23 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (mp3c...2023-10-11 03:11 44932k
[SND]The Burden Of Moab _ Isaiah 15 and 16 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 01:52 39322k
[SND]The Ceaseless Mission _ Acts 5_26-42 _ Missionary Marlon Petersen ( 03:28 35413k
[SND]The Christian's Inheritance _ Ephesians 1_ 9 - 12 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-12-25 23:55 30359k
[SND]The Day of the Branch _ Isaiah 4_1-6 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 05:52 38107k
[SND]The Faith of Job _ Job 2_1-10 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 17:51 37709k
[SND]The First Martyr-Complete ( 00:49 49328k
[SND]The Foolish Mistake _ Joshua 9 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-18 03:30 39596k
[SND]The God of the Living _ Luke 20_27-40 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-03-26 18:51 36230k
[SND]The Great Commission _ Matthew 28_19-20 _ Missionary Christian Morales.mp32023-01-11 00:00 37013k
[SND]The Home - A Hospital For Hurting Hearts _ Jeremiah 8_21-22 _ Pastor Mike Wei...2023-10-12 02:09 43170k
[SND]The Hour of the Power of Darkness _ Luke 22_47-62 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-08-13 18:32 35075k
[SND]The Importance Of The Apostles _ Acts 1_1-8 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 05:37 36282k
[SND]The Long Journey _ Acts 27_40-44 _ Missionary Nelson Dorr.mp32022-02-07 02:29 31030k
[SND]The Lord's Table _ 1 Corinthians 11_17-34 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-01-01 22:10 19523k
[SND]The Manifold Wisdom of God _ Ephesians 3_10-13 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-05-14 18:45 30836k
[SND]The Measure of Our Ministry at the Judgement Seat of Christ - 1 _ Romans 14 _...2022-08-04 22:44 52417k
[SND]The Measure of Our Ministry at the Judgement Seat of Christ - 2 _ 1 Cor. 3 _ ...2022-08-04 22:47 37823k
[SND]The Names of God-Complete ( 02:13 46168k
[SND]The Old Paths _ Jeremiah 6_16 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-17 03:36 41134k
[SND]The One Who Ponders _ Proverbs 21_2 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 18:17 36224k
[SND]The Only Hope for America _ 1 Corinthians 15_1-4 _ Evangelist Chris Miller.mp32022-06-13 17:22 44896k
[SND]The Pattern of the Early Church _ Acts 2_42-47 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 18:08 38143k
[SND]The Peace of God _ Philippians 4_4-7 _ Brother Anthony Collins ( 20:51 23340k
[SND]The Power of Thankfulness _ 1 Timothy 2_1-2 _ Brother Eric Cohan.mp32022-03-19 20:06 39936k
[SND]The Preeminence of Christ - Part 1 _ Colossians 1_15-20 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (...2023-10-07 19:35 29668k
[SND]The Preeminence of Christ - Part 2 _ Colossians 1_15-20 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (...2023-10-15 03:21 36473k
[SND]The Result of Peter's Sermon _ Acts 2_37-41 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 20:28 33343k
[SND]The Result Of Peter's Sermon _ Acts 2_37-41 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 13:57 28193k
[SND]The Reviving Work of God-Complete ( 03:14 73044k
[SND]The Riches of the Glory of His Inheritance _ Ephesians 1_15-22 _ Pastor Mike ...2022-01-08 23:24 27836k
[SND]The Rocks Would Cry Out _ Luke 19_28-40 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-01-24 21:04 36955k
[SND]The Shepherd And His Sheep _ Psalm 23_1-6 _ Brother David Pritchett.mp32023-05-16 05:57 31309k
[SND]The Slain, The Stone, and The Saviour _ Acts 4_1-14 _ Brother David Pritchett...2023-06-25 04:36 41993k
[SND]The Song of Jehovah's Vineyard _ Isaiah 5_1-7 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-05-16 06:14 38450k
[SND]The Stoning of Stephen.mp32024-01-15 22:29 63200k
[SND]The Syrophoenician Mother _ Matthew 15_21-28 _ Brother David Pritchett.mp32023-05-16 14:02 34143k
[SND]The Three Fold Purpose of the Ministries _ Ephesians 4_12-15 _ Pastor Mike We...2022-06-30 23:28 28054k
[SND]The Undefiled _ Psalm 119_1-3, Daniel 6_3-4, 10 _ Brother David Pritchett.mp32022-12-16 22:34 34321k
[SND]The Whole Armor of God _ Ephesians 6_10-12 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 05:41 29641k
[SND]The Whole Armor Of God Part 2 _ Ephesians 6_14-15 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 05:50 31343k
[SND]The Zeal Of The Lord _ Isaiah 9_1-7 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 03:54 43982k
[SND]the-daily-framework-for-a-christian-complete-( 23:45 48435k
[SND]the-essence-of-revival-rejoicing-complete-( 22:32 51854k
[SND]the-first-missions-conference_1726150543.mp32024-09-12 14:15 51707k
[SND]the-greatest-expression-of-love-complete-( 03:19 55286k
[SND]the-importance-of-the-eternality-of-christ-complete-( 02:57 70902k
[SND]the-judgment-of-the-nations_1723501500.mp32024-08-12 22:25 51887k
[SND] 22:26 54043k
[SND] 03:01 43026k
[SND]the-ninety-and-nine-complete-( 00:45 58174k
[SND]the-prayer-request-of-jesus-complete-( 04:02 30576k
[SND]the-precious-blood-of-jesus-complete-( 03:58 49747k
[SND] 19:28 48936k
[SND]the-rise-and-fall-of-a-king_1725939823.mp32024-09-10 03:43 46790k
[SND]the-ship-that-would-not-die-complete-( 03:03 48851k
[SND]There Will Always Be Opposition _ Acts 4_1-12 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 21:48 29245k
[SND]Things to Remember on Summer Vacation _ 2 Peter 1_12-14; Hebrews 13_17 _ Past...2023-05-16 13:52 35841k
[SND]Three Keys to Deepen Your Love to God _ Revelation 2_1-4, Ephesians 5_25 _ Pa...2022-09-17 18:52 40301k
[SND]Thy-Light-Is-Come-Isaiah-60-1-2-Missionary-Nathan-Kowach.mp32021-10-21 05:06 27373k
[SND]To Love And Be L.OV.E.D. _ 1 John 4_7-12 _ Evangelist Matt Barber.mp32023-05-16 13:39 48679k
[SND]To Properly Worship The Lord _ Isaiah 1_10-20 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32023-03-08 05:34 40683k
[SND]Triumphant In Him-Complete.mp32024-01-18 03:26 46105k
[SND]True Faith In Jesus _ Joshua 3_6-7 _ Missionary Will Esayenko.mp32022-12-17 22:58 35068k
[SND]True Liberty _ Luke 4_16-21 _ Brother Daniel Solt ( 20:42 34398k
[SND]Trust and Obey _ Jonah _ Missionary Matt Cook.mp32023-03-08 06:32 21679k
[SND] 05:05 29992k
[SND]Two Allegories At The Cross _ Luke 23_44-45 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-09-17 18:55 43834k
[SND] 03:14 49231k
[SND]two-things-to-remember-in-sickness_1725314760.mp32024-09-02 22:06 55874k
[SND]Understanding What The Will of the Lord Is _ Ephesians 5_15-17 _ Pastor Jeff ...2023-01-04 01:49 38851k
[SND]understanding-your-position-complete-( 14:56 59426k
[SND]Unforgiveness-A Fly In The Ointment _ Ecclesiastes 10_1; Ephesians 4_29-32 _ ...2023-05-16 13:34 43674k
[SND]Unity _ Luke 23_1-12 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-08-25 22:11 42219k
[SND] 04:08 58928k
[SND]Wait Patiently for the Book _ Psalm 58_11 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32021-11-21 23:32 31988k
[SND]Walk as Children of Light _ Ephesians 5_8-12 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-18 03:21 30067k
[SND]Walk In Love _ Ephesians 5_1-6 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-20 01:17 35272k
[SND]Washing _ John 13_1-11 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-06-13 18:06 19929k
[SND] 04:55 64828k
[SND]We Are Not Sufficient _ 2 Corinthians 4_7 _ Brother Nathan Kowach ( 17:47 48573k
[SND]we-are-not-alone-in-faith_1723493397.mp32024-08-12 20:09 55751k
[SND]we-preach-christ_1725939423.mp32024-09-10 03:37 36661k
[SND]Weeping For Souls _ Matthew 23_37 _ Evangelist Roger Bottrell.mp32022-12-20 01:20 37868k
[SND]What Did Noah Build_ _ Genesis 6_5-10 _ Evangelist Chris Miller.mp32022-06-13 17:24 43273k
[SND]What Does Christlike Look Like _ Philippians 2_1-16 _ Brother Andy Buhrow (mp...2023-10-02 03:55 39850k
[SND]What Fathers Give To Our Children _ Proverbs 17_6 _ Pastor Mike Weiss (mp3cut...2023-06-24 20:20 44831k
[SND]What God Is Looking For In Us _ Romans 13_11-14 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-18 01:04 25623k
[SND]What If We Had No Intercessor_ _ Luke 22_31-34 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-07-22 01:57 40060k
[SND]What Is a Pastor's Job_ _ 1 Peter 5_1-4 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-17 22:28 38623k
[SND]What Is Good For Me _ Psalm 73_25-28 _ Brother David Pritchett.mp32023-05-16 05:47 34647k
[SND]What Is Our Mission_ _ Matthew 4_19 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-07-22 02:10 28189k
[SND]What Is Prayer_ _ Acts 1_12-14 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 02:48 40556k
[SND]What is Your Part-Complete ( 03:22 59731k
[SND]What the Lord Used to Spur me On _ Deuteronomy 11 _ Missionary Nick Stoll.mp32022-12-18 00:05 27632k
[SND]What to do to be a Glorious Church _ John 17_14-18 _ Missionary Sam Rogers.mp32022-12-17 23:06 30099k
[SND]What To Do When God Doesn't Speak _ Matthew 15_21-28 _ Pastor Keith Gomez.mp32022-06-23 23:27 40305k
[SND]What Will I Do With God's Gift_ _ Matthew 1_18-25 _ Evangelist Chris Miller (...2021-12-12 02:00 28850k
[SND]What Would You Do If You Were There_ _ Luke 23_26-43 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-09-17 18:41 41085k
[SND] 21:48 76808k
[SND]what-could-have-been-and-what-will-be_1724111085.mp32024-08-19 23:44 56666k
[SND]what-day-is-it.mp32024-01-22 03:24 60825k
[SND]what-is-your-life-complete-( 03:27 54398k
[SND]what-will-it-take-for-us-to-obey-complete-( 00:41 54545k
[SND]what-will-you-do-with-jesus-complete-( 21:19 56082k
[SND]When The Wicked Turn To The Lord-Complete ( 01:48 61102k
[SND]When You Barely Have Enough _ 1 Kings 17_8-16 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-06-13 18:33 38168k
[SND]When You're Tired Of The Work _ John 21_3 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-20 01:11 35017k
[SND]when-making-money-becomes-harlotry-complete-( 21:14 64896k
[SND] 04:14 58116k
[SND]Where Will Ye Leave Your Glory _ Isaiah 10_1-4 _ Pastor Mike Weiss ( 01:45 43377k
[SND]Who Are You Serving_ _ 2 Samuel 9 _ Brother Steve Taylor ( 00:22 46442k
[SND]Who Is Really On Trial_ _ Luke 22_63-71 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-08-25 22:08 37520k
[SND]Whom Will You Choose_ _ Luke 23_13-25 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-09-17 18:36 31806k
[SND]Why Has God Blessed Us_ _ Psalm 105_43-45 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-09-17 18:37 32782k
[SND]Why Should We Be Involved With Missions_ _ 2 Corinthians 4_1-6 _ Pastor Mike ...2023-07-13 03:38 46050k
[SND]why-god-has-blessed-our-church-complete-( 03:38 48822k
[SND]WIBF-Pastors Fellowship Meeting - Session 1 _ Pastor Randy King ( 23:30 57457k
[SND]WIBF-Pastors Fellowship Meeting - Session 2 _ Pastor Randy King ( 23:32 59203k
[SND] 21:12 19597k
[SND] 21:18 65515k
[SND] 21:27 79275k
[SND]Wisdom from Proverbs _ Proverbs 15_1-13 _ Brother Daniel Weiss ( 04:50 16822k
[SND] 04:00 61796k
[SND] 05:12 55228k
[SND]Worthy To Be Praised _ Psalm 18_1-3 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-08-25 22:09 37239k
[SND]You Are Complete In Christ-Complete ( 03:46 37751k
[SND]Your Faithfulness Makes a Difference _ Ephesians 1_15-23 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-01-08 23:17 29841k
[SND]Your Redemption Draweth Nigh _ Luke 21_20-38 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-06-13 18:15 47456k
[SND]Your Trust Has Consequences Part 2 _ Jeremiah 17_5-8 _ Pastor Mike Weiss.mp32022-12-16 23:12 35783k
[SND]Your Trust Has Serious Consequences - Part 1 _ Jeremiah 17_5-8 _ Pastor Mike ...2022-12-17 03:44 38297k
[SND] 16:59 48413k
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